import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from typing import Dict
import json
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.stats import mode
4 Estimate Distribution Parameters
Given \(S\), and a biomarker’s measurements, how can we estimate \(\mathcal N(\theta_{\mu}, \theta_{\sigma})\) and \(\mathcal N(\phi_{\mu}, \phi_{\sigma})\)?
= 'data'
output_dir = pd.read_csv(f"{output_dir}/150|200_3.csv")
df = df.biomarker.unique()
biomarkers = 1
idx = df[df.biomarker==biomarkers[idx]]
biomarker_df 10) biomarker_df.sample(
participant | biomarker | measurement | k_j | S_n | affected_or_not | diseased | |
307 | 107 | PCC-FCI | 2.875619 | 10 | 2 | affected | True |
360 | 160 | PCC-FCI | 14.765535 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
365 | 165 | PCC-FCI | 8.913005 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
354 | 154 | PCC-FCI | 11.380722 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
200 | 0 | PCC-FCI | 6.567299 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
285 | 85 | PCC-FCI | 11.371021 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
375 | 175 | PCC-FCI | 3.771693 | 9 | 2 | affected | True |
203 | 3 | PCC-FCI | 14.266635 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
295 | 95 | PCC-FCI | 4.949612 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
299 | 99 | PCC-FCI | 17.490539 | 0 | 2 | not_affected | False |
(200, 7)
4.1 Hard K-Means
To use this algorithm, we only need to know (1) whether this participant is diseased; and (2) each biomarker measurement.
The first method we can use is hard K-Means. We clustering a certain biomarker’s measurements into two clusters. A clustering is successful if:
- There are two, and only two clusters.
- Each clustes has more than one element (This is to make sure that the standard deviation of this biomarker’s theta or phi is non-zero)
Ideally, we wanted all healthy participants to be grouped into a single cluster, which is why we initially tried using the constrained K-Means algorithm implemented by Babaki (2017). However, the algorithm did not work as intended.
We therefore designed a hard k-means algorithm to satisfy our needs:
- We try hard K-Means multiple times; If the two above mentioned requirements are not met, then
- We group the measurements into two random clusters; If the two above mentioned requirements are still not met, then raise an error and stop.
def compute_theta_phi_for_biomarker(biomarker_df, max_attempt = 50, seed = None):
"""get theta and phi parameters for this biomarker
- biomarker_df: a pd.dataframe of a specific biomarker
- a tuple: theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std
if seed is not None:
# Set the seed for numpy's random number generator
= np.random.default_rng(seed)
rng else:
= np.random
= 2
n_clusters = np.array(biomarker_df['measurement']).reshape(-1, 1)
measurements = biomarker_df[biomarker_df['diseased'] == False]
# clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters, linkage='ward')
# predictions = clustering.fit_predict(measurements)
# # Verify that AgglomerativeClustering produced exactly 2 clusters with more than 1 member each
# cluster_counts = np.bincount(predictions) # array([3, 2])
# if len(cluster_counts) != n_clusters or any(c <= 1 for c in cluster_counts):
# print("AgglomerativeClustering did not yield the required clusters, switching to KMeans.")
# # If AgglomerativeClustering fails, attempt KMeans with a max_attempt limit
= 0
curr_attempt = 10
n_init_value = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=n_init_value)
while curr_attempt < max_attempt:
clustering_result = clustering_result.labels_
predictions = np.bincount(predictions) # array([3, 2])
if len(cluster_counts) == n_clusters and all(c > 1 for c in cluster_counts):
+= 1
curr_attempt else:
print(f"KMeans failed. Try randomizing the predictions")
= rng.choice([0, 1], size=len(measurements))
predictions = np.bincount(predictions)
cluster_counts if len(cluster_counts) != n_clusters or not all(c > 1 for c in cluster_counts):
raise ValueError(f"KMeans clustering failed to find valid clusters within max_attempt.")
= predictions[healthy_df.index]
healthy_predictions = mode(healthy_predictions, keepdims=False).mode
mode_result = mode_result[0] if isinstance(mode_result, np.ndarray) else mode_result
phi_cluster_idx = 1 - phi_cluster_idx
# two empty clusters to strore measurements
= [[] for _ in range(2)]
clustered_measurements # Store measurements into their cluster
for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions):
# Calculate means and standard deviations
= np.mean(
theta_mean, theta_std
clustered_measurements[theta_cluster_idx]), np.std(
clustered_measurements[theta_cluster_idx])= np.mean(
phi_mean, phi_std
clustered_measurements[phi_cluster_idx]), np.std(
# Check for invalid values
if any(np.isnan(v) or v == 0 for v in [theta_std, phi_std, theta_mean, phi_mean]):
raise ValueError("One of the calculated values is invalid (0 or NaN).")
return theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std
def get_theta_phi_estimates(
data: pd.DataFrame,-> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]:
) """
Obtain theta and phi estimates (mean and standard deviation) for each biomarker.
data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing participant data with columns 'participant',
'biomarker', 'measurement', and 'diseased'.
# biomarkers (List[str]): A list of biomarker names.
Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: A dictionary where each key is a biomarker name,
and each value is another dictionary containing the means and standard deviations
for theta and phi of that biomarker, with keys 'theta_mean', 'theta_std', 'phi_mean',
and 'phi_std'.
# empty hashmap of dictionaries to store the estimates
= {}
estimates = data.biomarker.unique()
biomarkers for biomarker in biomarkers:
# Filter data for the current biomarker
# reset_index is necessary here because we will use healthy_df.index later
= data[data['biomarker']
biomarker_df == biomarker].reset_index(drop=True)
= compute_theta_phi_for_biomarker(
theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std
biomarker_df)= {
estimates[biomarker] 'theta_mean': theta_mean,
'theta_std': theta_std,
'phi_mean': phi_mean,
'phi_std': phi_std
}return estimates
= get_theta_phi_estimates(data = df)
hard_kmeans_estimates = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
hard_kmeans_estimates_df ='index')
hard_kmeans_estimates, orient= 'biomarker', inplace=True)
hard_kmeans_estimates_df.reset_index(names hard_kmeans_estimates_df
biomarker | theta_mean | theta_std | phi_mean | phi_std | |
0 | HIP-FCI | -8.587833 | 5.365053 | 4.903437 | 2.008974 |
1 | PCC-FCI | 7.288870 | 2.797150 | 14.569768 | 2.274322 |
2 | AB | 173.199732 | 33.778905 | 277.009573 | 34.503492 |
3 | P-Tau | -49.329924 | 15.988080 | -15.568346 | 12.688703 |
4 | MMSE | 22.272803 | 1.624078 | 28.011392 | 0.805532 |
5 | ADAS | -20.582091 | 3.853234 | -6.002048 | 1.487443 |
6 | HIP-GMI | 0.576991 | 0.157259 | 0.192231 | 0.128850 |
7 | AVLT-Sum | 27.808002 | 8.561387 | 52.524815 | 7.989840 |
8 | FUS-GMI | 0.519974 | 0.047474 | 0.628440 | 0.038051 |
9 | FUS-FCI | -7.061708 | 1.928477 | -12.647345 | 2.927590 |
with open('files/real_theta_phi.json', 'r') as f:
= json.load(f)
truth = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(truth, orient='index')
truth_df = 'biomarker', inplace=True)
truth_df.reset_index(names truth_df
biomarker | theta_mean | theta_std | phi_mean | phi_std | |
0 | MMSE | 22.0 | 2.666667 | 28.0 | 0.666667 |
1 | ADAS | -20.0 | 4.000000 | -6.0 | 1.333333 |
2 | AB | 150.0 | 16.666667 | 250.0 | 50.000000 |
3 | P-Tau | -50.0 | 33.333333 | -25.0 | 16.666667 |
4 | HIP-FCI | -5.0 | 6.666667 | 5.0 | 1.666667 |
5 | HIP-GMI | 0.3 | 0.333333 | 0.4 | 0.233333 |
6 | AVLT-Sum | 20.0 | 6.666667 | 40.0 | 15.000000 |
7 | PCC-FCI | 5.0 | 3.333333 | 12.0 | 4.000000 |
8 | FUS-GMI | 0.5 | 0.066667 | 0.6 | 0.066667 |
9 | FUS-FCI | -20.0 | 6.000000 | -10.0 | 3.333333 |
Now let’s compare the results using plots:
def obtain_theta_phi_params(biomarker, estimate_df, truth):
'''This is to obtain both true and estimated theta and phi params for each biomarker '''
= estimate_df[estimate_df.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index()
biomarker_data_est = truth[truth.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index()
biomarker_data # theta for affected
= biomarker_data_est.theta_mean[0]
theta_mean_est = biomarker_data_est.theta_std[0]
= biomarker_data.theta_mean[0]
theta_mean = biomarker_data.theta_std[0]
# phi for not affected
= biomarker_data_est.phi_mean[0]
phi_mean_est = biomarker_data_est.phi_std[0]
= biomarker_data.phi_mean[0]
phi_mean = biomarker_data.phi_std[0]
return theta_mean, theta_std, theta_mean_est, theta_std_est, phi_mean, phi_std, phi_mean_est, phi_std_est
def make_chart(biomarkers, estimate_df, truth, title):
alt.renderers.enable(= []
charts for biomarker in biomarkers:
= obtain_theta_phi_params(
theta_mean, theta_std, theta_mean_est, theta_std_est, phi_mean, phi_std, phi_mean_est, phi_std_est
biomarker, estimate_df, truth)= theta_mean, theta_std
mean1, std1 = theta_mean_est, theta_std_est
mean2, std2
# Generating points on the x axis
= np.linspace(min(mean1 - 3*std1, mean2 - 3*std2),
x_thetas max(mean1 + 3*std1, mean2 + 3*std2), 1000)
# Creating DataFrames for each distribution
= pd.DataFrame({'x': x_thetas, 'pdf': norm.pdf(x_thetas, mean1, std1), 'Distribution': 'Actual'})
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_thetas, 'pdf': norm.pdf(x_thetas, mean2, std2), 'Distribution': 'Estimated'})
# Combining the DataFrames
= pd.concat([df1, df2])
# Altair plot
= alt.Chart(df3).mark_line().encode(
chart_theta ='x',
y=alt.Color('Distribution:N', legend=alt.Legend(title="Theta"))
).properties(=f'{biomarker}, Theta',
= phi_mean, phi_std
mean1, std1 = phi_mean_est, phi_std_est
mean2, std2
# Generating points on the x axis
= np.linspace(min(mean1 - 3*std1, mean2 - 3*std2),
x_phis max(mean1 + 3*std1, mean2 + 3*std2), 1000)
# Creating DataFrames for each distribution
= pd.DataFrame({'x': x_phis, 'pdf': norm.pdf(x_phis, mean1, std1), 'Distribution': 'Actual'})
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_phis, 'pdf': norm.pdf(x_phis, mean2, std2), 'Distribution': 'Estimated'})
# Combining the DataFrames
= pd.concat([df1, df2])
# Altair plot
= alt.Chart(df3).mark_line().encode(
chart_phi ='x',
y=alt.Color('Distribution:N', legend=alt.Legend(title="Phi"))
).properties(=f'{biomarker}, Phi',
# Concatenate theta and phi charts horizontally
= alt.hconcat(chart_theta, chart_phi).resolve_scale(color="independent")
# Append the concatenated chart to the list of charts
charts.append(hconcat_chart)# Concatenate all the charts vertically
= alt.vconcat(*charts).properties(title = title)
# Display the final chart
truth_df, = "Comparing Theta and Phi Distributions Using hard k-means"
title )
It turns out the result is not very desriable.
4.2 Conjugate Priors
The second method we may utilize is conjugate priors. Conjugacy occurs when the posterior distribution is in the same family of distribution as the prior distribution, but with new parameter values.
Why conjugacy is important? Because without it, one has to do the integration, which oftentimes is hard.
Three major conjugate families:
- Beta-Binomial
- Gamma-Poisson
- Normal-Normal
In our example, we assume that the measurement data for each biomarker follows a normal distribution; however, we do not know the exact \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). Our job is to estimate the two parameters for each biomarker based on the data we have.
According to An Introduction to Bayesian Thinking by Clyde et al. (2022), if the data comes from a normal distribution with unknown \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\), the conjugate prior for \(\mu\) has a normal distribution with mean \(m_0\) and variance \(\frac{\sigma^2}{n_0}\). The conjugate prior for \(\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\) has a Gamma distribution with shape \(\frac{v_0}{2}\) and rate \(\frac{v_0 s_0^{2}}{2}\) where
- \(m_0\): prior estimate of \(\mu\).
- \(n_0\): how strongly is the prior belief in \(m_0\) is held.
- \(s_0^2\): prior estimate of \(\sigma^2\).
- \(v_0\): prior degress of freedome, influencing the certainty of \(s_0^2\).
That is to say:
\[\mu | \sigma^2 \sim \mathcal{N}(m_0, \sigma^2/n_0)\]
\[1/\sigma^2 \sim Gamma\left(\frac{v_0}{2}, \frac{v_0 s_0^2}{2} \right)\]
Combined, we have:
\[(\mu, 1/\sigma^2) \sim NormalGamma(m_0, n_0, s_0^2, v_0)\]
The posterior also follows a Normal-Gamma distribution:
\[(\mu, 1/\sigma^2) | data \sim NormalGamma(m_n, n_n, s_n^2, v_n)\]
More specifically
\[1/\sigma^2 | data \sim Gamma(v_n/2, s_n^2 v_n/2)\]
\[\mu | data, \sigma^2 \sim \mathcal{N}(m_n, \sigma^2/n_n)\]
Based on the above two equations, we know that the mean of posterior mean is \(m_n\) and the mean of the posterior variance is \((s_n^2 v_n/2)/(v_n/2)\). This is beceause the expected value of \(Gamma(\alpha, \beta)\) is \(\frac{\alpha}{\beta}\).
- \(m_n\): posterior mean, mode, and median for \(\mu\)
- \(n_n\): posterior sample size
- \(s_n^2\): posterior variance
- \(v_n\): posterior degrees of freedome
The updating rules to get the new hyper-parameters:
\[m_n = \frac{n}{n+n_0} \bar{y} + \frac{n_0}{n+n_0}m_0\]
\[n_n = n_0 + n\]
\[v_n = v_0 + n\]
\[s_n^2 = \frac{1}{v_n}\left[s^2(n-1) + s_0^2v_0 + \frac{n_0n}{n_n}(\bar{y}-m_0)^2\right]\]
- \(n\): sample size
- \(\bar{y}\): sample mean
- \(s^2\): sample variance
To apply the algorithm of conjugate priors, we assume we already know \(S\) and \(k_j\), alongside biomarker measurement (\(X_{nj}\)). Based on \(S\) and \(k_j\), we can infer whether a biomarker is affected by the disease or not.
def estimate_params_exact(m0, n0, s0_sq, v0, data):
'''This is to estimate means and vars based on conjugate priors
- data: a vector of measurements
- m0: prior estimate of $\mu$.
- n0: how strongly is the prior belief in $m_0$ is held.
- s0_sq: prior estimate of $\sigma^2$.
- v0: prior degress of freedome, influencing the certainty of $s_0^2$.
- mu estiate, std estimate
# Data summary
= np.mean(data)
sample_mean = len(data)
sample_size = np.var(data, ddof=1) # ddof=1 for unbiased estimator
# Update hyperparameters for the Normal-Inverse Gamma posterior
= (n0 * m0 + sample_size * sample_mean) / (n0 + sample_size)
updated_m0 = n0 + sample_size
updated_n0 = v0 + sample_size
updated_v0 = (1 / updated_v0) * ((sample_size - 1) * sample_var + v0 * s0_sq +
updated_s0_sq * sample_size / updated_n0) * (sample_mean - m0)**2)
(n0 = updated_v0/2
updated_alpha = updated_v0*updated_s0_sq/2
# Posterior estimates
= updated_m0
mu_posterior_mean = updated_beta/updated_alpha
= mu_posterior_mean
mu_estimation = np.sqrt(sigma_squared_posterior_mean)
return mu_estimation, std_estimation
def get_theta_phi_conjugate_priors(biomarkers, data_we_have, theta_phi_kmeans):
'''To get estimated parameters, returns a hashmap
- biomarkers: biomarkers
- data_we_have: participants data filled with initial or updated participant_stages
- theta_phi_kmeans: a hashmap of dicts, which are the prior theta and phi values
obtained from the initial hard k-means algorithm
- a hashmap of dictionaries. Key is biomarker name and value is a dictionary.
Each dictionary contains the theta and phi mean/std values for a specific biomarker.
# empty list of dictionaries to store the estimates
= {}
for biomarker in biomarkers:
# Initialize dictionary outside the inner loop
= {'biomarker': biomarker}
dic for affected in ['affected', 'not_affected']:
= data_we_have[(data_we_have.biomarker == biomarker) & (
data_full == affected)]
data_we_have.affected_or_not if len(data_full) > 1:
= data_full.measurement
measurements = np.var(measurements, ddof=1)
s0_sq = np.mean(measurements)
m0 = estimate_params_exact(
mu_estimate, std_estimate =m0, n0=1, s0_sq=s0_sq, v0=1, data=measurements)
m0if affected == 'affected':
'theta_mean'] = mu_estimate
dic['theta_std'] = std_estimate
'phi_mean'] = mu_estimate
dic['phi_std'] = std_estimate
dic[# If there is only one observation or not observation at all, resort to theta_phi_kmeans
# For example, if a biomarker indicates stage of (num_biomarkers), but all participants' stages
# are smaller than that stage; so that for all participants, this biomarker is not affected
print('not enough data here, so we have to use theta phi estimates from hard k-means')
# print(theta_phi_kmeans)
if affected == 'affected':
'theta_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans[biomarker]['theta_mean']
dic['theta_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans[biomarker]['theta_std']
'phi_mean'] = theta_phi_kmeans[biomarker]['phi_mean']
dic['phi_std'] = theta_phi_kmeans[biomarker]['phi_std']
dic[# print(f"biomarker {biomarker} done!")
= dic
hashmap_of_means_stds_estimate_dicts[biomarker] return hashmap_of_means_stds_estimate_dicts
= get_theta_phi_conjugate_priors(
conjugate_prior_theta_phi = biomarkers,
biomarkers = df,
data_we_have = hard_kmeans_estimates
)= pd.DataFrame.from_dict(conjugate_prior_theta_phi, orient='index')
cp_df =True, inplace=True)
cp_df.reset_index(drop cp_df
biomarker | theta_mean | theta_std | phi_mean | phi_std | |
0 | HIP-FCI | -5.378366 | 7.233991 | 5.092800 | 1.514402 |
1 | PCC-FCI | 5.521792 | 2.777207 | 12.071769 | 3.671679 |
2 | AB | 151.143708 | 14.806694 | 251.973564 | 51.382188 |
3 | P-Tau | -41.768257 | 34.857945 | -24.739527 | 14.928907 |
4 | MMSE | 23.122406 | 2.446874 | 28.049683 | 0.718493 |
5 | ADAS | -19.633304 | 4.582900 | -5.902198 | 1.278311 |
6 | HIP-GMI | 0.425625 | 0.272876 | 0.379542 | 0.235348 |
7 | AVLT-Sum | 21.664360 | 3.755735 | 40.700638 | 14.480463 |
8 | FUS-GMI | 0.482745 | 0.055585 | 0.590434 | 0.063730 |
9 | FUS-FCI | -18.566905 | 5.781937 | -9.648705 | 3.099195 |
When we estimate \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) using conjugate priors, we need to use the result from hard k-means as a fall back because it is possible that for a specific biomarker, either the affected
or the not_affected
group is empty. If that is the case, we are not able to estimate relevant parameters and have to resort to the fallback result.
truth_df, = "Comparing Theta and Phi Distributions Using Conjugate Priors"
title )
4.3 Soft K-Means
Conjugate Priors assumes we know \(k_j\), which often times is not already known. Our hard k-means algorithm is only taking advantage of \(X_{nj}\) and whether participants are diseased or not, leaving \(S\), which is known to us, unexploited.
Soft K-Means is a good alternative to these two because it utilizes \(S\) while at the same time do not assume we know \(k_j\).
The logic of soft-kmeans is this;
- If a participant is diseased, we iterate through all possible disease stages, and calculate the associated likelihood using Equation 2.1. We then normalize these likelihoods to obtain the estimated probability of this participant being at each stage. For example, if there are three possible stages, and the associated likelihoods are
[1, 3, 6]
, then the normalized likelihoods would be[0.1, 0.3, 0.6]
You may wonder how we can use Equation 2.1 when we do not know \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) yet (which is exactly what we are trying to do!). If you notice this, it is a very keen observation!.
If fact, we are going to use the estimated \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) we obtained above using hard k-means.
- For each biomarker \(n\), we obtain \(S_n\) based on \(S\). Then we iterate through all participants. If this participant is healthy, we include their biomarker measurement in
. If this participant is diseased, we compare between \(P_{\theta}\) and \(P_{\phi}\). If \(S_n = 2\), then \(P_{\theta} = 0.1 + 0.3 = 0.4\) and \(P_{\phi} = 0.6\). Because \(P_{\phi}\) is larger, we include this participant’s biomarker measurement incluster_phi
. When the iteration through participants is done, we can calculate the mean and standard deviation of each cluster.
If \(P_{\theta} = P_{\phi}\), we randomly assign this participant’s biomarker measurement to a cluster.
def compute_single_measurement_likelihood(theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement):
'''Computes the likelihood of the measurement value of a single biomarker
We know the normal distribution defined by either theta or phi
and we know the measurement. This will give us the probability
of this given measurement value.
- theta_phi: the dictionary containing theta and phi values for each biomarker
- biomarker: an integer between 0 and 9
- affected: boolean
- measurement: the observed value for a biomarker in a specific participant
output: a scalar
= theta_phi[biomarker]
biomarker_dict = biomarker_dict['theta_mean'] if affected else biomarker_dict['phi_mean']
mu = biomarker_dict['theta_std'] if affected else biomarker_dict['phi_std']
std = std**2
var if var <= int(0) or np.isnan(measurement) or np.isnan(mu):
print(f"Invalid values: measurement: {measurement}, mu: {mu}, var: {var}")
= np.exp(-(measurement - mu)**2 /
likelihood 2 * var)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * var)
= np.exp(-(measurement - mu)**2 /
likelihood 2 * var)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * var)
(return likelihood
def fill_up_kj_and_affected(pdata, k_j):
'''Fill up a single participant's data using k_j; basically add two columns:
k_j and affected
Note that this function assumes that pdata already has the S_n column
- pdata: a dataframe of ten biomarker values for a specific participant
- k_j: a scalar
= pdata.copy()
data 'k_j'] = k_j
data['affected'] = data.apply(lambda row: row.k_j >= row.S_n, axis=1)
data[return data
def compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, theta_phi):
This function computes the likelihood of seeing this sequence of biomarker values
for a specific participant, assuming that this participant is at stage k_j
= fill_up_kj_and_affected(pdata, k_j)
data = 1
likelihood for i, row in data.iterrows():
= row['biomarker']
biomarker = row['measurement']
measurement = row['affected']
affected *= compute_single_measurement_likelihood(
theta_phi, biomarker, affected, measurement)return likelihood
def obtain_participants_hashmap(
- data: a pd.dataframe. For exrample, 150|200_3.csv
- prior_theta_phi_estimates, a hashmap of dicts.
This is the result from hard k-means
- hashmap: a dictionary whose key is participant id
and value value is a dict whose key is stage
and value is normalized likelihood
# initialize hashmap_of_normalized_stage_likelihood_dicts
= {}
participants_hashmap = data[
non_diseased_participants == False]['participant'].unique()
data.diseased = data.S_n.unique()
disease_stages for p in data.participant.unique():
= defaultdict(int)
dic = data[data.participant == p].reset_index(drop = True)
pdata if p in non_diseased_participants:
0] = 1
for k_j in disease_stages:
= compute_likelihood(pdata, k_j, prior_theta_phi_estimates)
kj_ll = kj_ll
dic[k_j] # likelihood sum
= sum(dic.values())
sum_ll = 1e-10
epsilon if sum_ll == 0:
= epsilon
sum_ll = [l/sum_ll for l in dic.values()]
normalized_lls = dict(zip(disease_stages, normalized_lls))
normalized_ll_dict = normalized_ll_dict
participants_hashmap[p] return participants_hashmap
def calc_soft_kmeans_for_biomarker(
):"""obtain theta, phi estimates using soft kmeans for a single biomarker
- data: a pd.dataframe. For example, 150|200_3.csv
- biomarker: a str, a certain biomarker name
- hashmap: a dict, returned result of obtain_hashmap()
- theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std, a tuple of floats
= data[
non_diseased_participants == False]['participant'].unique()
data.diseased = data.S_n.unique()
disease_stages # DataFrame for this biomarker
= data[
biomarker_df 'biomarker'] == biomarker].reset_index(
drop= 'participant', ascending = True)
by # Extract measurements
= np.array(biomarker_df['measurement'])
= biomarker_df.S_n[0]
= []
affected_cluster = []
for p in data.participant.unique():
if p in non_diseased_participants:
= participants_hashmap[p]
normalized_ll_dict = sum(
normalized_ll_dict[for kj in disease_stages if kj >= this_biomarker_order)
kj] = sum(
normalized_ll_dict[for kj in disease_stages if kj < this_biomarker_order)
kj] if affected_prob > non_affected_prob:
affected_cluster.append(measurements[p])elif affected_prob < non_affected_prob:
# Assign to either cluster randomly if probabilities are equal
if np.random.random() > 0.5:
non_affected_cluster.append(measurements[p])# Compute means and standard deviations
= np.mean(affected_cluster) if affected_cluster else np.nan
theta_mean = np.std(affected_cluster) if affected_cluster else np.nan
theta_std = np.mean(
phi_mean if non_affected_cluster else np.nan
non_affected_cluster) = np.std(non_affected_cluster) if non_affected_cluster else np.nan
phi_std return theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std
def cal_soft_kmeans_for_biomarkers(
):= {}
soft_kmeans_estimates = data.biomarker.unique()
biomarkers for biomarker in biomarkers:
= {'biomarker': biomarker}
dic = prior_theta_phi_estimates[biomarker]
prior = calc_soft_kmeans_for_biomarker(
theta_mean, theta_std, phi_mean, phi_std
data, biomarker, participants_hashmap
)if theta_std == 0 or math.isnan(theta_std):
= prior['theta_mean']
theta_mean = prior['theta_std']
theta_std if phi_std == 0 or math.isnan(phi_std):
= prior['phi_mean']
phi_mean = prior['phi_std']
phi_std 'theta_mean'] = theta_mean
dic['theta_std'] = theta_std
dic['phi_mean'] = phi_mean
dic['phi_std'] = phi_std
dic[= dic
soft_kmeans_estimates[biomarker] return soft_kmeans_estimates
= obtain_participants_hashmap(
participants_hashmap = df,
data = hard_kmeans_estimates,
= cal_soft_kmeans_for_biomarkers(
soft_kmeans_estimates = df,
data = participants_hashmap,
participants_hashmap = hard_kmeans_estimates,
prior_theta_phi_estimates )
= pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
soft_kmeans_estimates_df ='index')
soft_kmeans_estimates, orient=True, inplace=True)
soft_kmeans_estimates_df.reset_index(drop soft_kmeans_estimates_df
biomarker | theta_mean | theta_std | phi_mean | phi_std | |
0 | HIP-FCI | -5.378366 | 7.232544 | 5.092800 | 1.514369 |
1 | PCC-FCI | 5.710289 | 2.864833 | 12.098428 | 3.688180 |
2 | AB | 153.648672 | 18.041801 | 253.189546 | 51.038112 |
3 | P-Tau | -42.235505 | 34.734178 | -24.626343 | 14.860556 |
4 | MMSE | 23.122406 | 2.445751 | 28.049683 | 0.718480 |
5 | ADAS | -18.374956 | 5.810630 | -5.889272 | 1.283121 |
6 | HIP-GMI | 0.442551 | 0.261505 | 0.373983 | 0.234485 |
7 | AVLT-Sum | 23.819301 | 6.942910 | 41.371798 | 14.381565 |
8 | FUS-GMI | 0.496420 | 0.052929 | 0.595958 | 0.060867 |
9 | FUS-FCI | -6.326653 | 1.695438 | -10.205164 | 3.733813 |
truth_df, = "Comparing Theta and Phi Distributions Using Soft K-Means"
title )
4.4 Conclusion
We compare the above three methods. Hard k-means has the least number of prerequisites: it only needs to know whether participants are healthy or not and biomarker measurements. However, the drawback is that it might not be very accurate. Conjugate priors are extremely accurate; however, it requires knowledge of almost everything: besides what is required by hard k-means, it also requires \(S\) and \(k_j\). Soft k-kmeans does not require the knowledge of \(k_j\) and is an improvement over hard k-means.
We also noticed that both conjugate priors and soft k-means need to use the result from hard k-means as a fallback.