3  Generate Synthetic Data

In this chapter, we talk about how we generate the synthetic data of participants’ biomarker measurements. These data are used to test our algorithms.

3.1 Obtain Estimated Distribution Parameters

In Section 2.4, we mentioned that EBM can be used as a generative model and we need to know \(S, \theta, \phi\) and \(k_j\).

First, we obtained \(S, \theta, \phi\) from Chen et al. (2016):

Figure 3.1: Theta and Phi from Chen’s Paper
Figure 3.2: S from Chen’s Paper

This is our estimation:

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import json 
import scipy.stats as stats
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict
import os 
import seaborn as sns
import altair as alt 
all_ten_biomarker_names = np.array([
    'MMSE', 'ADAS', 'AB', 'P-Tau', 'HIP-FCI', 
    'HIP-GMI', 'AVLT-Sum', 'PCC-FCI', 'FUS-GMI', 'FUS-FCI'])
# in the order above
# cyan, normal
phi_means = [28, -6, 250, -25, 5, 0.4, 40, 12, 0.6, -10]
# black, abnormal
theta_means = [22, -20, 150, -50, -5, 0.3, 20, 5, 0.5, -20]
# cyan, normal
phi_std_times_three = [2, 4, 150, 50, 5, 0.7, 45, 12, 0.2, 10]
phi_stds = [std_dev/3 for std_dev in phi_std_times_three]
# black, abnormal
theta_std_times_three = [8, 12, 50, 100, 20, 1, 20, 10, 0.2, 18]
theta_stds = [std_dev/3 for std_dev in theta_std_times_three]

# to get the real_theta_phi means and stds
hashmap_of_dicts = {}
for i, biomarker in enumerate(all_ten_biomarker_names):
    dic = {}
    # dic = {"biomarker": biomarker}
    dic['theta_mean'] = theta_means[i]
    dic['theta_std'] = theta_stds[i]
    dic['phi_mean'] = phi_means[i]
    dic['phi_std'] = phi_stds[i]
    hashmap_of_dicts[biomarker] = dic 

real_theta_phi = pd.DataFrame(hashmap_of_dicts).transpose().reset_index(names=['biomarker'])
biomarker theta_mean theta_std phi_mean phi_std
0 MMSE 22.0 2.666667 28.0 0.666667
1 ADAS -20.0 4.000000 -6.0 1.333333
2 AB 150.0 16.666667 250.0 50.000000
3 P-Tau -50.0 33.333333 -25.0 16.666667
4 HIP-FCI -5.0 6.666667 5.0 1.666667
5 HIP-GMI 0.3 0.333333 0.4 0.233333
6 AVLT-Sum 20.0 6.666667 40.0 15.000000
7 PCC-FCI 5.0 3.333333 12.0 4.000000
8 FUS-GMI 0.5 0.066667 0.6 0.066667
9 FUS-FCI -20.0 6.000000 -10.0 3.333333

Store the parameters to a JSON file:

with open('files/real_theta_phi.json', 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(hashmap_of_dicts, fp)
biomarkers = all_ten_biomarker_names
n_biomarkers = len(biomarkers)

def plot_distribution_pair(ax, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, title):
    """mu1, sigma1: theta
    mu2, sigma2: phi
    xmin = min(mu1 - 4*sigma1, mu2-4*sigma2)
    xmax = max(mu1 + 4*sigma1, mu2 + 4*sigma2)
    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
    y1 = stats.norm.pdf(x, loc = mu1, scale = sigma1)
    y2 = stats.norm.pdf(x, loc = mu2, scale = sigma2)
    ax.plot(x, y1, label = "Abnormal", color = "black")
    ax.plot(x, y2, label = "Normal", color = "cyan")
    ax.fill_between(x, y1, alpha = 0.3, color = "black")
    ax.fill_between(x, y2, alpha = 0.3, color = "cyan")

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, n_biomarkers//2, figsize=(20, 10))
for i, biomarker in enumerate(biomarkers):
    ax = axes.flatten()[i] 
    mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2 = real_theta_phi[
        real_theta_phi.biomarker == biomarker].reset_index().iloc[0, :][2:].values
        ax, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, title = biomarker)
Figure 3.3: evaluate theta and phi estimations

You can compare this to Figure 3.1.

3.2 The Generating Process

In the following, we explain our data generation process.

We have the following parameters:

\(J\): Number of participants.

\(R\): The percentage of healthy participants.

\(M\): Number of datasets per combination of \(j\) and \(r\).

We set these parameters:

js = [50, 200, 500]
rs = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9]
num_of_datasets_per_combination = 50

So, there will be \(3 \times 5 \times 50 = 750\) datasets to be generated.

We define our generate_data_from_ebm function:

def generate_data_from_ebm(
    n_participants: int,
    S_ordering: List[str],
    real_theta_phi_file: str,
    healthy_ratio: float,
    output_dir: str,
    m,  # combstr_m
    seed: Optional[int] = 0
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Simulate an Event-Based Model (EBM) for disease progression.

    n_participants (int): Number of participants.
    S_ordering (List[str]): Biomarker names ordered according to the order 
        in which each of them get affected by the disease.
    real_theta_phi_file (str): Directory of a JSON file which contains 
        theta and phi values for all biomarkers.
        See real_theta_phi.json for example format.
    output_dir (str): Directory where output files will be saved.
    healthy_ratio (float): Proportion of healthy participants out of n_participants.
    seed (Optional[int]): Seed for the random number generator for reproducibility.

    pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with columns 'participant', "biomarker", 'measurement', 
    # Parameter validation
    assert n_participants > 0, "Number of participants must be greater than 0."
    assert 0 <= healthy_ratio <= 1, "Healthy ratio must be between 0 and 1."

    # Set the seed for numpy's random number generator
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

    # Load theta and phi values from the JSON file
        with open(real_theta_phi_file) as f:
            real_theta_phi = json.load(f)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {real_theta_phi} not fount")
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        raise ValueError(
            f"File {real_theta_phi_file} is not a valid JSON file.")

    n_biomarkers = len(S_ordering)
    n_stages = n_biomarkers + 1

    n_healthy = int(n_participants * healthy_ratio)
    n_diseased = int(n_participants - n_healthy)

    # Generate disease stages
    kjs = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n_healthy, dtype=int),
                         rng.integers(1, n_stages, n_diseased)))
    # shuffle so that it's not 0s first and then disease stages bur all random

    # Initiate biomarker measurement matrix (J participants x N biomarkers) with None
    X = np.full((n_participants, n_biomarkers), None, dtype=object)

    # Create distributions for each biomarker
    theta_dist = {biomarker: stats.norm(
    ) for biomarker in S_ordering}

    phi_dist = {biomarker: stats.norm(
    ) for biomarker in S_ordering}

    # Populate the matrix with biomarker measurements
    for j in range(n_participants):
        for n, biomarker in enumerate(S_ordering):
            # because for each j, we generate X[j, n] in the order of S_ordering,
            # the final dataset will have this ordering as well.
            k_j = kjs[j]
            S_n = n + 1

            # Assign biomarker values based on the participant's disease stage
            # affected, or not_affected, is regarding the biomarker, not the participant
            if k_j >= 1:
                if k_j >= S_n:
                    # rvs() is affected by np.random()
                    X[j, n] = (
                        j, biomarker, theta_dist[biomarker].rvs(random_state=rng), k_j, S_n, 'affected')
                    X[j, n] = (j, biomarker, phi_dist[biomarker].rvs(random_state=rng),
                               k_j, S_n, 'not_affected')
            # if the participant is healthy
                X[j, n] = (j, biomarker, phi_dist[biomarker].rvs(random_state=rng),
                           k_j, S_n, 'not_affected')

    df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=S_ordering)
    # make this dataframe wide to long
    df_long = df.melt(var_name="Biomarker", value_name="Value")
    data = df_long['Value'].apply(pd.Series)
    data.columns = ['participant', "biomarker",
                    'measurement', 'k_j', 'S_n', 'affected_or_not']

    # biomarker_name_change_dic = dict(
    #     zip(S_ordering, range(1, n_biomarkers + 1)))
    data['diseased'] = data.apply(lambda row: row.k_j > 0, axis=1)
    # data.drop(['k_j', 'S_n', 'affected_or_not'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    # data['biomarker'] = data.apply(
    #     lambda row: f"{row.biomarker} ({biomarker_name_change_dic[row.biomarker]})", axis=1)

    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    filename = f"{int(healthy_ratio*n_participants)}|{n_participants}_{m}"
    data.to_csv(f'{output_dir}/{filename}.csv', index=False)
    # print("Data generation done! Output saved to:", filename)
    return data
S_ordering = np.array([
    'HIP-FCI', 'PCC-FCI', 'AB', 'P-Tau', 'MMSE', 'ADAS', 
    'HIP-GMI', 'AVLT-Sum', 'FUS-GMI', 'FUS-FCI'

# where the generated data will be saved
output_dir = 'data'

# We run the following only once; once the data is generated, we no longer run it
# We still show the codes to present our generation process
torun = False
if torun:
    real_theta_phi_file = 'files/real_theta_phi.json'
    for j in js:
        for r in rs:
            for m in range(0, num_of_datasets_per_combination):
                    seed = int(j*10 + (r * 100) + m),
        print(f'Done for J={j}')

3.3 Visualize Synthetic Data

Above, we have generated 750 datasets, named in the fashion of 150|200_3, which means the third dataset when \(j = 200\) and \(r = 0.75\).

Next, we try to visualize this dataset.

df = pd.read_csv(f"{output_dir}/150|200_3.csv")
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not diseased
0 0 HIP-FCI 3.135981 0 1 not_affected False
1 1 HIP-FCI 12.593704 2 1 affected True
2 2 HIP-FCI 6.220776 0 1 not_affected False
3 3 HIP-FCI 3.545100 0 1 not_affected False
4 4 HIP-FCI 3.966541 0 1 not_affected False
(2000, 7)

This dataset has \(2000\) rows because we have \(200\) participants and \(10\) biomarkers.

3.3.1 Distribution of all biomarker values

    as_=['measurement', 'Density'],
    facet = alt.Facet(
        columns = 5
    width= 100,
    height = 180,
    title='Distribution of biomarker measurments'
Figure 3.4: Distribution of biomarker measurments

3.3.2 Distribution of A Specific Biomarker

idx = 1
biomarkers = df.biomarker.unique()
bio_data = df[df.biomarker==biomarkers[idx]]
    as_=['measurement', 'Density'],
    facet = alt.Facet(
    width= 240,
    height = 200,
    title=f'Distribution of {biomarker} measurements'
Figure 3.5: Distribution of HIP-FCI measurements, compring bewteen affected and non-affected group

3.3.3 Looking into A Specific Participant

pidx = 1
p_data = df[df.participant == pidx]
participant biomarker measurement k_j S_n affected_or_not diseased
1 1 HIP-FCI 12.593704 2 1 affected True
201 1 PCC-FCI 7.164017 2 2 affected True
401 1 AB 182.033823 2 3 not_affected True
601 1 P-Tau -25.345325 2 4 not_affected True
801 1 MMSE 27.600823 2 5 not_affected True
1001 1 ADAS -4.920415 2 6 not_affected True
1201 1 HIP-GMI 0.099052 2 7 not_affected True
1401 1 AVLT-Sum 30.270797 2 8 not_affected True
1601 1 FUS-GMI 0.658954 2 9 not_affected True
1801 1 FUS-FCI -11.701559 2 10 not_affected True
pidx =1 # participant index
p_data = df[df.participant == pidx]
    tooltip=['biomarker', 'affected_or_not', 'measurement']
    title=f'Distribution of biomarker measurements for participant #{idx} (k_j = {p_data.k_j.to_list()[0]})'
Figure 3.6: Distribution of biomarker measurements for a specific participant